Under Markets on your dashboard, look for the Fuels & Fetilizers tab.

Find DTN’s proprietary FastRack data that includes wholesale pricing, state ethanol averages, propane pricing and more.

Understand the Whys & Hows of DTN FastRack Pricing Criteria

For data to be include in DTN FastRacks, a supplier must meet the following criteria.

  • The supplier maintains a rate-able, verifiable constant supply of product
    • We do not intend to include broker deals or prices where a supplier has a limited daily or monthly supply. We thoroughly evaluate adding and removing such suppliers. For a new supplier, we may publish their prices, but keep them out of our highs, lows and averages for six months or more, depending on when their prices fall within the market range.
  • Customer-specific pricing is not included.
    • If a supplier sends different prices for the same terminal-product combination to multiple customers or sends the price to only one customer, we consider it customer-specific pricing.
  • Contract pricing is not included.
    • When  a supplier sends prices that include taxes, tariffs, or other fees, we consider it a contract price.
  • The supplier must be willing to sell to anyone that meets their customer terms of agreement.
    • Our intent is to exclude prices that are only available to certain customers at a terminal due to special arrangements; this does not apply
      to direct competitors or a branded volume commitment. A special note regarding diesel: when a supplier requests that diesel prices show
      up only as branded, we will honor the request.
  • Sub-supplier pricing is not included.
    • We consider re-posting the price on another or multiple suppliers’ rack prices as sub-supplier pricing. If a supplier sends only one price, then it is considered for inclusion. If they send multiple prices at the same terminal/product, their price would likely be excluded.
  • The supplier mus provide pricing information daily or on an otherwise agree-upon schedule.

Understanding the Whys & Hows of DTN FastRacks Pricing Criteria

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